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surveillance software

هذا النقاش في 'شتات' بدأه tito7091، ‏19 يناير 2018.

  1. tito7091

    tito7091 موقوف


    web camera software A good program to record video and screenshots from webnet video to .avi with audio and photo in .jpegПри installing a choice of 3 options: to take only one video; enter the registration kluca chose the second option. Of the nuances only that all photos and videos will remain with the copyright of the program in the lower left corner. Naturally when buying the copyright will disappear (there is an item in the settings, by the way it is possible to replace with your own). Yes captured and stored videos and pictures in a folder C:\ProgramData\webcamXP 5\Capture\ . But this can be changed in the settings. And still they can be viewed directly from the system tray, right-clicking on the icon programmes nuance noticed - when recording video, the screen image hangs, although the characteristics of my laptop is not so weak. Thought that it is buggy, but after saving convinced that video in good quality and without tormozova, it allows you to grant access to Your camera to any user, without installing on the computer the special server software. Everything you need built right in , so You only need to configure a few parameters such as server port and the path to the local directory.


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