1. تنويه:
    تم إيقاف التسجيل في المنتدى مؤقتا، للتواصل أو طلب الانضمام للمنتدى، نرجو التواصل معنا.
    الأعضاء السابقون ما يزال بإمكانهم تسجيل الدخول.

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هذا النقاش في 'شتات' بدأه tito7091، ‏20 يناير 2018.

  1. tito7091

    tito7091 موقوف


    bitcoin sell. School Rules and Regulations CONDUCT AND ATTITUDE: All students are expected to be respectful and courteous while on the school campus. Students should not be impaired by alcohol or illegal drugs while on campus. Violent, threatening, humiliating, or abusive behavior or harassment of others is also not tolerated. Engaging in illegal activity while off campus can also affect a student’s standing in the school. A student may be dismissed for any of these activities. Theft of property from the school or other students is grounds for immediate dismissal. Students and staff work as a team to assist one another to reach excellence. We strive to inspire this ’team spirit’ in every student and to benefit from the diverse approaches, broad spectrum of creativity, and talents which different students and faculty bring to the learning process. We encourage each person to express his or her own individuality while at the same time respecting the needs, wishes, and interests of others, and, when necessary, to compromise for the benefit of the whole. The Avalon School of Astrology strives to produce graduates with excellent ethics, character, and communication skills as well as achieving excellence in the understanding and practice of astrology. ATTENDANCE, MISSED CLASSES, AND TARDINESS: Students may not miss more than 22 classroom hours in one semester. A student that is tardy by more than 5 minutes but less than 1 hour is given 1 hour of missed classroom time. For tardiness of 1 hour or more, then amount of missed classroom time 68178


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