1. تنويه:
    تم إيقاف التسجيل في المنتدى مؤقتا، للتواصل أو طلب الانضمام للمنتدى، نرجو التواصل معنا.
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did martial arts hellps us realy

هذا النقاش في 'المنتدى العام' بدأه crew25، ‏25 أكتوبر 2009.

  1. crew25

    crew25 عضو جديد

    hello again im the crew25 im wondring if its realy that martial arts hellps us in the real fighting situation the unser is no im sure that there is no one use the martial arts in rial fighting dont tell me about bruce lee or the other actors because the fight in ther movies is just show
  2. xeious

    xeious مشرف

    well , not all martial arts have a sense of realistic fighting situatuions but there are some that are , unfortunately these are the ones that has violent face to face drills , some has proved effecient like bjj , judo , eskrima* ( kali ) , krav maga has proven the most effeciency , but as always there is no single amrtial art that can protect you from a sneaky attack , or an attack from behind , or can prepare you for facing more than one oponnent at the same time , if martial arts wont help they will at least improve your odds of survival
  3. Haitham sadoon

    Haitham sadoon مشرف

    Yes, there are of martial arts that can be called a review but there are a lot of arts What is to be effective and high-impact

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