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Super Stretch dvd

هذا النقاش في 'فن الكاراتيه Karate' بدأه bachir mansour، ‏15 مايو 2010.

  1. bachir mansour

    bachir mansour عضو جديد

    Superfoot's Super Stretch


    Bill Wallace retired as the undefeated Professional Karate Association (PKA) Middleweight Champion after defeating Bill Biggs in a 12-round bout in June 1980. The victory, Wallace's 23rd straight, signaled the end to an illustrious 15-year career in tournament and full contact fighting. Known to the karate world simply as "Superfoot" symbolic of his awesome left leg, which was once clocked in excess of 60 mph, Wallace left a string of battered and bruised bodies along the martial arts fighting trail. He used his foot as others would use their hands, faking opponents with two or three rapid fake kicks and following with one solid knockout technique. His power was amazing, his precision astounding.

    SuperStretch teaches you the stretching techniques that helped Bill "Superfoot" Wallace become a World Champion Fighter. He takes you through an entire stretching routine. Also included are power kick drills and speed drills



  2. mohamedali

    mohamedali مشرف عام

  3. allahham

    allahham عضو

    مشكوووووور على الاسطوانة الرائعة:clap:
  4. Haitham sadoon

    Haitham sadoon مشرف

    مشكور اخي العزيز على المجهود الرائع
  5. kawazaki

    kawazaki مشرف عام

  6. مشكوووووووووووووور

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