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شاولين عرض «عجلة الحياة» Shaolin - Wheel of Life

هذا النقاش في 'فن الووشو - كونفو Wushu - Kung fu' بدأه هيثم محمد، ‏29 يوليو 2010.

  1. عرض «عجلة الحياة» Shaolin - Wheel of Life 2001

    عرض شولين wheel of life هو استعراض مسرحى يؤدى فيه رهبان شولين مهارات الكو نغ فو فى شولين يحكى تاريخ معبد شولين من النشأة على مدار 1500 عام مضت


    "Shaolin: Wheel Of Life tells" the inspiring story of how the Monks' loyalty to their Emperor was betrayed, how they were almost destroyed and how five young Monks survived to continue the "Wheel Of Life."

    As the legend is told, you will be left gasping in astonishment at the apparently superhuman feats performed by the cast of twenty Monks as they display some of the most unique Kung-Fu ever seen.

    Watch in amazement as they are lifted on sharpened spears, break iron bars with their heads, smash concrete blocks while lying between beds of nails and swords, performing handstands on two fingers and splinter wooden staffs against their bodies. Shaolin: Wheel of Life is an outstanding and moving stage show.

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  2. thewarrior

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